The creation and application of personal and communal leadership in an African context, for Benjamin as an operations manager with a difference, springs from his intention to create desirable outcomes for the common good. It is almost impossible, then, to "train" someone to have that spirit to succeed. It is only through sublimation of the ego and the will to evolve, coming directly from the person-in-community that the spirit is cultivated to perform. The first constituent of our African leadership Gene is rhythm or dancing, which brings in a communal circle from the outset. Ezekiah Chasamhuka Benjamin is deeply grounded communally in African traditions. Rhythm and dancing, then, are only metaphors taken in an African context to reveal the deeper, rhythmical meaning of an emerging African leadership model. The ability and the process of bringing in harmony and value is what Benjamin then terms the grounding "dancing" element. The precipitators of rhythm creation are the communal circle of people.