The following aspects are covered by Chapter 11 ‘Group Work’. You could rate yourself on them on a scale where 1= ‘very well’ and 4 = ‘needs considerable improvement’. ✓

Agreeing ground rules Agreeing goals Planning actions and allocating tasks Meeting own agreed responsibilities Checking on progress Co-operating with others Dealing with problems Your own behaviour in groups

How do you feel about group work? What issues do you want to consider about working in groups? After working through this chapter you can return here to check if your needs have been met. ¿2d

Chapter 11 ‘Group Work’ suggests you begin by clarifying your goals as a group. What are you trying to achieve (what results or outcomes do you want)? Do you all have the same understanding of this? Your instructions for your group task may be vague and you may need to agree what you are aiming for. To remind you about this see Chapter 11. This section and Section 27.3 below help you consider your goals in more detail. How will you, as a group, judge if the results of your work are good? Identifying this before you start helps keep you on track. Use the box below to note the goals (results or outcomes) your group wants/needs to achieve, and the criteria you will use to know if they are the right quality or standard.