This chapter reports on the experience of young refugees in Holland and the efforts of social workers and others to assist them. Young asylum seekers entering the Netherlands are from far away places including Somalia, China, Angola and Ethiopia. These young people are called Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers (AMAs), in Dutch Alleenstaande Minderjarige Asielzoekers, and this is abbreviated to AMAs or unaccompanied asylum seekers (UAs). Upon arrival in the Netherlands, young refugees are placed under guardianship of De Opbouw because they are without legal representatives or their legal representatives are unable to exercise their authority. The chapter develops a national model for the relief of young asylum seekers and a way of working that is consistent amongst the Research and Relief Centers. Young asylum seekers are quickly placed in one of the eight Relief and Research Centers (OC) that have special services for young people, and remain there while their application is being processed.