Sources on Kashmir are abundant if one can find the occasion to visit the printed collections in India, Pakistan and Kashmir and utilize the sources in the outstanding libraries of the world. I had recourse to some of these opportunities. Since this book already made references to some published material on the subject, there is no need to reproduce a long list of books and articles. The reader may consult the bibliographical pages of a number of works, such as Sisir Gupta's Kashmir (pp. 483-502), A. R. Desai's now classic Social Background of Indian Nationalism (pp. 443--t51) and its sequel, Recent Trends ... (pp. 139-144), as well as Yu. V. Gankovskiy-L. R. GordonPolonskaia's Istoriia Pakistana (pp. 358-374), M. T. Stepanyants's Pakistan (pp. 119-128), and the like. Desai's two volumes are perhaps the best account by an Indian scholar of the qualitative structural transformation that took place under the impact of British rule. John Garrett's A Classical Dictionary of India is "illustrative of the mythology, philosophy, literature, antiquities, arts, manners, customs" and the like of the Hindus.