The region of Crete is one of 13 regions that the National Statistical Office subdivides Greece. The number of inhabitants according to the 1981 census were 502,000; 188,560 of them declared being employed while 4,614 unemployed. The unemployment figure reached 10,942 by 1988. The disposable per capita income was 163,296 drachmae in 1981. During the 1980s agricultural land use had slightly declined from 3,223 thousand stremmata to 3,177 thousand; in the rest of Greece this decline is more pronounced. The average agricultural property is 30 stremmata in size (30,000 sq. m) and segregated in eight lots. The average yearly temperature is 18.3 degrees Celsius and the average rainfall is 800 mm per year.1 Industry and handicraft operations represent roughly 5 per cent of the national total at 7,349 operating units (1984). Use of units of electricity where the national ratio is 2:3 between domestic to industrial, is reversed in Crete to 7:2, obviously indicating small industrial units with limited use of industrial machinery (1988).