The reform policy has been interpreted by a leading participant to have been 'highly principled and deeply impregnated by values' (Utting, 1996). The promotion of 'independence' has been the key overarching aim. The White Paper of 1998 made 'promoting independence' the first words of its subtitle and declared it to be the 'guiding principle of adult services' (Department of Health, 1998b, para. 2.5). The White Paper of 1989 defined the function of community care to be to promote independence: 'community care means providing the services and support which people ... need to be able to live as independently as possible in their own homes, or in 'homely' settings in the community' (Department of Health, 1989, para. 1.1). However, 'independence' has many facets. From the principle, the logic of the 1989 White Paper moved to goals, from the goals to 'objectives', and from the objectives to the detail of policy: structures, protocols and guidelines, and the like.