The hegemonic globalisation does not even require the United States to be too actively or directly involved in persuading countries to align with the zone of democratic peace. US allies and related institutions also play their parts in this promotion. Hence, any challenge or counter against globalisation was also a direct challenge to the US policies and the allies that are associated with that promotion. To make such assumption is the highest self-congratulatory illusion and produces a crusade of the worst type. Indeed, hegemonic globalisation may well be the 'highest stage of capitalism'. Unlike the stage of capitalism that Lenin contemplated, the geopolitical reality since the end of the Cold War and especially following Clinton's second term is not that there will be a clash of capitalists or imperialists. The exceptionality of US power centrality can be identified by the fact that the U.S is placing itself as the 'Sun' around which others, such as the EU and India, revolve.