Running parallel to organized or 'official' forms of religion are those which might be termed, perhaps rather misleadingly, as 'popular' or 'common', religiosity. Astrology, hexing, palmistry, numerology, amulets and charms, water divining, and various forms of divination such as tarot or pendulum are included under this remit. This chapter discusses some of the more popular and in many respects epitomizes the growth of these forms of alternative religion. The practice of hand analysis is thousands of years old. Spiritualism, in one form or another, is as old as human civilization. The I Ching offers a way to deal with personal problems by keeping people in touch with the Tao or Way, the creative life that is known as the unconscious in the West. The aim of Feng Shui, 'the Art of Living in Harmony', is to enable individuals to find their ideal living environment and through this attain health, prosperity, and happiness.