Neo-Paganism, occultism, esotericism, and related 'alternatives' deserve a separate account. Although as a contemporary movement neo-Paganism can be traced back to the nineteenth-century, it was the counter-culture of the mid-twentieth-century which increased its popularity, particularly in the USA where a rediscovery of the ancient cultural traditions of the Native American Indians became popular. This chapter suggests that neo-Paganism displays a remarkable diversity. Indeed, practically everything that can be termed neo-Pagan is eclectic since it is derived from various sources. Hence, shamans, witches, Druids all have different characteristic religious elements. Most present-day esoteric movements tend to be eclectic, borrowing from several traditions. Schisms and offshoots are common and generally result from the unorthodox basis of their beliefs and the nature of mysticism itself, which has allowed considerable innovation. Indeed, there are many aspects which do not fall within organizational frameworks and may be fairly frequently practised among the general population. This may include superstition, occultism, astrology, and divination.