The political ideology of the leading post-war folk revivalists was, for many years, bent on resisting the over-arching economic reality of Western capitalism. This chapter attempt to narrate the ideological standpoint and journey of those involved. It begins with the bizarrely dynastic (and far from Marxist) English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) and move on to the Workers' Music Association and Topic Records. Within the atmosphere of post-war utopianism, the folk revival was seen by those involved as launching an important attack upon contemporary music aesthetics. Folk music was unadorned, uncomplicated, and (to some) even sounded rather mysterious. In this challenging stage, the revival contributed to many people's sense of cultural identity. In October 1957 an 'English Folk Music Festival and Singing' competition was organised at Cecil Sharp House and following this event stylistic and ideological battle lines were drawn between Sing and the EFDSS.