The Athletic Skills Model (ASM) has categorized three intertwined building blocks: the basic movement skills (BMS), the coordinative abilities (CA) and the conditions of movement (COM). The philosophy of multilateral development in the ASM suggests that performance in sports, like football, can benefit from performance in, for example, the martial arts. 'Being in shape' is an umbrella term for having a number of basic motor properties that support an athlete's functional performance in a sport. These classic performance-enhancing entities in many sports are coordination, speed, strength, flexibility and endurance, which are related to one another and cannot be described independently of each other. The five conditions of successful movement in sport are agility, flexibility, stability, power and endurance. These five conditions are now described in relation to some key elements for the ASM. The ASM proposes use of combinations: dynamic stretching mostly during the start of a training/game and more static stretching mostly after or away from the training/game.