This introduction presents an overview of key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book addresses logical questions concerning the concept of moral responsibility, also includes a development of this nonpragmatic point of view. It concerns the specification of the intermediate stages of the incompatibilist's inference. The book also addresses specific forms of unfreedom: addiction, compulsion and impotence. The fruitfulness of the strategy proposed in the book is borne out by the rejection of the necessitarian metaphysic upon which incompatibilism rests. Since necessitation is a stronger notion, the incompatibilist can cite it as the disturbing feature of determination. Anyway, the core picture to which he is wedded is indeed one of sequences necessitating, in a compulsive-like way subsequent sequences and it is this picture which generates the rest of his conceptual repertoire: unavoidability, impotence, inevitability and predictability.