This chapter expands the system of contingent necessity by introducing the various notions of possibility: logical possibility, factual possibility, and contingent possibility. A partial response to the objection that the incompatibilist has committed a modal fallacy can be discerned in the selection of the necessity operator by the advocates of this alternative, example, van Inwagen. The relevance of an action to the moral evaluation of an individual is a timeless matter. Making amends 'cancels' an action by the addition of a countervailing consideration, not by the literal obliteration of the original fact. A failure to achieve one's aims admits of a variety of explanations: ignorance, lack of relevant skills, a hostile environment, the physical impossibility of the goal, and emotional factors. The unalterability of laws of nature is grounded in the fact that the antecedent renders the consequent necessary and, therefore, immune from human intervention.