This chapter offers Jerusha Lamptey's theology as an alternative theology, which might be considered as departing from both traditional and contemporary liberal Muslim theologians' theologies. It considers the typology she has outlined for contemporary theology of religions in Islamic discourse. The chapter presents each stage of Lamptey's threefold methodological development. Lamptey analyses contemporary Islamic theology of religions in the light of how theologians appreciate similarities and differences. She examines contemporary Islamic responses to religious diversity using three different categories: prioritisation of sameness, simultaneous affirmation of sameness and difference, and prioritisation of difference. The chapter discusses the three stages of Lamptey's methodology. Firstly, the main characteristic of the women's interpretations is that they promote reinterpretation of the Qur'an. Secondly, these women believe that every attempt to interpret the Qur'an is an act of human interpretation. Finally and most importantly, contemporary Muslim women offer a novel understanding of the Qur'anic discourse on men and women.