The foundation of the state of affairs is formed by the internal weakness of world capitalism, on the one hand, and the growth of the revolutionary labour movement, on the other; and especially by the growth of own forces, the forces of the USSR. The contradictions, the conflicts and antagonism are classified into five groups. The first group of antagonisms consists of those between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in capitalist countries. The second group of antagonisms consists of those between imperialism and the liberationist movement in colonies and dependent countries. The third group of antagonisms consists of those between the victorious and the conquered countries after the imperialist war, antagonisms which inevitably tend to become intensified. The fourth group of antagonisms consists of those which have arisen among the victorious States, and which also inevitably become intensified. The fifth and last group of antagonisms consists of those which have developed between the USSR and capitalist countries as a whole.