Lenin was a Russian citizen residing in Austria, close to the Russian border. The Russian police had received a report to the effect that Lenin did not possess sufficient money to get himself and his comrades out of prison and into Switzerland; hence he was waiting 'impatiently' for Russian military forces to enter Cracow. Immediately after his arrival in Bern, Lenin wrote a four-page resolution on the 'tasks of the revolutionary social democracy in the European war'. This paper shows that his attitude toward the war was still in flux. Lenin probably intended to write a book on dialectics. Judging from his extracts, marginal notes, and comments, it is a pity that he did not follow through with this project. Lenin, with the talent of a first rate scholar, was capable of objectivity. Consequently, after half a century, not a single Marxist had understood Marx!! Lenin implied that this aphorism was also applicable to himself.