In this chapter, the authors focus on career goal-setting, career strategy development, and career appraisal. They help the reader develop and practice key career management skills. The authors offer guidelines for effective goal-setting, strategy development, and career appraisal. A career goal should also focus on the intrinsic enjoyment derived from work experiences, include total lifestyle concerns, consider one's current job as a source of satisfaction and growth, be sufficiently challenging and flexible, and be capable of meeting one's own needs and values, not other people's expectations. The authors explain that organizations and their employees can benefit from well-designed and maintained career management programs. They explore how career goals that are the product of a thorough assessment of one's own interests, abilities, and lifestyle preferences, as well as an examination of the work environment, can produce positive work attitudes. Developmentally undecided employees were younger, had limited knowledge about the internal and external work environments, and experienced extensive nonwork demands.