A major cause of managers’ Im-C seems to be incompetence due to covertly concealed managerial ignorance (CCMI). But, only few studied managerial ignorance; these few found it pervasive but did not explain it as an effort to defend managers’ authority and power and to advance their careers through immoral practices. Regrettably, ubiquitous Im-C has rarely been studied, apparently because it is a dark secret. Keeping it a dark secret requires immoral power abuses and subterfuges which an immoral careerist never admits publicly, not in real time, and rarely admits to oneself, rendering its study problematic, much as with CCMI. Two factors, habituses and pertinent know-how and phronesis, including referred expertise, largely decided whether one opted to CCMI-Im-C or not. Many ex-kibbutz managers practiced Im-C, ingratiating/courting I-KO patrons, who then made them pe’ilim. The pe’ilim usually continued their Im-C in I-KO jobs, as patrons’ auspices promised them career advancement without performance provided they were not grasped as complete failures.