This chapter focuses on "little bits" — lessons and teachings in the form of socialization — that everyone passes on to those around them. Fictional characters, like their real-life counterparts, are not exempt from this crucial part of the socialization cycle. However, they take heteronormative ideas about what it means to be "normal" that were imposed upon them and then turn around and impose the same ideas on heterosexuals. Heterosexual girls and women bear most of the socialization salvos. "Nurturing," instead, focuses on the care girls experience and then the process that women are stereotypically saddled with, without having the choice or expectation of whether they want to be saddled with it or not. Same-sex characters, through their governmentality, maintain that marriage is the social pinnacle for all to strive for. The same-sex couples espouse this in the raising of their daughters to partake in the marital overload found in princess culture.