An assessment of the share of non-farm activities in total labour time was based on a seasonal monitoring of the number of hours spent per week on personal and household agriculture, agricultural wage labour, other non-farm activities, and domestic work. Among women, seasonal variations in non-farm work time were comparatively minor, owing to the relative lack of participation in agriculture. Although largely ignored by the rural-urban bias of the non-farm literature, circulatory rural-rural migration constitutes the major migratory trend in the savanna area. Household non-farm profiles more effectively illustrate the extent to which the role of non-farm incomes in household livelihood strategies is influenced by the command of capital and skills at the household level, rather than simply by individual characteristics influencing access. While immediate household needs significantly constrained the ability of household heads to invest non-farm earnings in agriculture, non-farm incomes still figured second to crop sales as a source of resources for agricultural investment.