This chapter describes a range of psychological and psychosocial treatments relevant to people with BPD (borderline personality disorder). They are crucial, as there is no medical cure for the disorder, only psychiatric medicines that may relieve some of the symptoms associated with co-morbid disorders. Some are more highly recommended than others, based on the strength of their evidence base. Eleven approaches will be considered, with more detail on those most relevant to dramatherapy practice: DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy), MBT (mentalisation-based therapy), schema therapy and OT (occupational therapy). The 2009 NICE guideline on the treatment and management of people with BPD offers a comprehensive account of many interventions, from various perspectives. There is also helpful information on the NHS Choices website (2017) and within a detailed handbook from the UK’s Department of Health (Bolton et al., 2014). This chapter has been shaped in accordance with these recommendations, supported by a selection of recent books and articles. Multidisciplinary communication is also considered crucial.