When the superiors of the Society in India learnt of the success of the method that I had tried in order to reach Ethiopia, since I had passed through the Turks freely, they decided to send the two fathers who had remained in Diu as soon as a similar opportunity arose. And Our Lord saw fit for a very good one to arise the following year, because, although the Turk in whose company <[f. 382/371]> I had come had died soon after I arrived here, he had said so much about the favours and honours that the Portuguese had done him in Diu that that the pasha was moved to send another servant of his, who was called Mahamêd Agâ, with considerably more merchandise than the previous one had taken. The fathers in Diu did the second man many more favours, both in return for those that they had done me in Maçuâ and in order to gain his goodwill for what they intended. He considered himself so obliged that when they spoke to him about what they desired, which was to get to Ethiopia, he replied that if the pasha’s other servant had taken one {father}, he would willingly take two. Everyone thought {[f. 428]} that such an opportunity should not be wasted, and so Father Antonio Fernandez and Father Francisco Antonio de Angelis started preparing at once.