Similar to the years of kirchnerism, the national context during the Macri administration provides a fertile ground for the adoption of the Standard Security Model (SSM). The narrow victory of the Cambiemos coalition in the 2015 presidential elections put an end to 12 years of kirchnerism. In a context where inflation, insecurity, corruption, and social confrontation continued to prosper, Argentines welcomed Macri's pledge for political renewal. Public opinion demanding mano dura, the president's own conservative ideology, the concentration of power in the hands of the executive, and a new rapprochement between Argentina and the US became the main driving forces behind the transformation of the South American country's drugs policy. Rather than rekindling new conflicts, Macri intended to reintegrate Argentina into the international community, saying the South American country "needs to be in the world". The increasing securitization of Argentina's drug policy promoted by the Macri administration clearly contradicts the situation witnessed in Colombia.