In recent years scarcity has increased the level of conflict. Scarcity and conflict are others indicators that Australia is overpopulated. A growing gap between the rich and the poor is a rising source of conflict in society. The referendum on the republic in 1999 pointed out the extent of the gulf separating the better off from the battlers on the social fringe of cities and in the bush. Conflict over resources is increasingly being fought along ethnic lines. The rise of ethnicity as a major force in the game of 'who gets what' is due to a number of factors, foremost is the changing identity of the country. Ethnic minorities are complaining of harassment by whites. Community relations workers have complained that Australians see Muslims as 'violent, dirty and poor'. There is a growing conflict over the control and use of northern Australia which involves Aboriginal communities, white pastoralist and graziers, mining companies, green nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), and state governments.