Management gurus worthy of recognition are all around us. The behavior of the gurus reminds us of what works and what doesn’t in today’s complex organizations. New managers, especially, take note as some of the gurus show their spots as they run for office or play characters in movies and on TV. Here are just a few of the teachings I have seen from gurus who are unwittingly showing us how to be better managers:

Listen to others and then dismiss any input. If others were as smart as you, one of them would have your job.

Know that no matter what is happening, it’s always all about you. Without you, the organization would be that much less.

Form a little clique with the “guys.” Make sure others are excluded. A good posse is a manager’s best friend.

Build a personal brand and make it unique. If the brand includes styles that are thirty years out of date, that’s everyone else’s problem. The style may just come back.

Petulance matters as much as confidence. If you don’t get your way or things are not going like you would like, tantrums may be the answer.

Take advantage of your power position, including sleeping with anyone in a lesser position.

Assume that you will never get fired, that you are irreplaceable. And if you do get fired, they will want you back.

Be bold in all you do, even if you are not sure what you are doing. As the boss, it’s important to constantly make big, dramatic decisions.

Don’t worry about keeping up with technology; it will bend to suit you.

Say and do anything you want while off-line. No one will ever know or find out.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the gurus for these insights. We learn from all ends of the guru spectrum.