I have lived the ritual. I have seen the ritual a thousand times. The day goes like this… you get to the work space and turn on the computer; it pings to attention. You sit down, enter your password, and it pangs with approval. You go to the kitchen, grab your coffee out of the Keurig K-Cup coffeemaker when it buzzes, and then sit down. But before you get into the details of the spreadsheets, your phone vibrates with a text from your mom that you need to read. Also, you need to check Facebook. Wow, there is a new “10 Celebrity Facts You Need to Know.” Ugh, too hard to navigate. Back to FB, never mind, always the same people. Let’s see what’s going on with my Twitter feed. Then, a glance at https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315213149/df5422d3-f582-4370-8f03-c1cb39663a30/content/www.People.com">People.com to see what’s new with the royal family, and finally, on to e-mails. You look up and it’s after 10 a.m. Time for another coffee.