The works of the Mexican writers Rosamaria Roffiel and Nancy Cardenas share many of the same views on lesbian eroticism as the poet and essayist Audre Lorde. The notion of love presented in Amora stresses emotional intimacy and solidarity among women. The emphasis on emotions and the significance of building a lesbian community are elements that the novel shares with Lorde's works. The concept of love and lesbianism in Amora claims women's need of solidarity with other women; solidarity with mothers, grandmothers, friends, or even unknown women offers a way of expanding women's emotional as well as their political power. In Roffiel's and Cardenas' works the treatment of women's bodies and sexuality is central to the discourse of love, a discourse which is subversive since traditionally cultural discourses have either ignored women's bodies or have objectified them. In this poem, the female sexual organ is the prominent motif.