The reliability coefficients are odd-even, the corrections by the Spearman-Brown formula. Evidence substantiating the validity of the Clymer-Barrett Prereading Battery (CBPB) will be covered in three sections: content validity, construct validity, and predictive validity. In the case of CBPB, the test is supposed to be measuring a number of skills and learnings that immediately precede learning to read or are part of the very early phases of beginning reading itself. Because of the worksample nature of the CBPB, it makes minimal use of theoretical constructs. Correlational studies have been run between CBPB and readiness tests. The CBPB was designed to yield information reliably describing the pupil’s current prereading skills and intended for immediate classroom use by the teacher. The reason for giving predictive validity data is that they help support the contention that CBPB, given early in the school year, does distinguish between pupils who have good prereading skills and those who do not.