Worldwide planetary destruction can be reversed through reinvestment in sustaining, restoring, and expanding stocks of natural capital, so that the earth can produce more abundant natural resources with greater service value. Natural Capitalism is a huge achievement. Janine Benyus' work on biomimicry is highly original and plays a crucial part in the theory of natural capitalism. But the gray eminence behind Natural Capitalism is surely Herman Daly. The authors are clear that the problems and the solutions lie with private business. The next industrial revolution will be a transformation of conventional capitalism, not its demise in favor of eco-socialism. Those who believe that the information society itself comprises the next industrial revolution will also be disappointed. The authors are at pains to explain why digital technology does not amount to a social revolution. To put down Natural Capitalism because of its omissions, dearth of strategy, or because we disagree with its politics would be a misguided and short-sighted mistake.