Reproductive loss can include miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, sterility, ectopic pregnancy, relinquishing a child for adoption, and elective abortion, including multifetal pregnancy reduction. Ectopic pregnancy is very serious, resulting in a compounded loss for the woman—her baby and usually one of her fallopian tubes when the embryo is lodged there. An ectopic pregnancy is hard to diagnose before a crisis occurs, usually about four weeks after fertilization, about two weeks after the first missed menstrual period. The couple must also deal with the very real risk of another ectopic pregnancy as well as her reduced fertility. The loss of babies in multiple births can be the death of one, two, or all babies. The mother is faced with tasks of bonding with the surviving baby or babies while grieving the loss of the others who didn't make it. Fathers of aborted babies can also feel intense grief.