Interestingly, the changes in the world that produced changes in anthropology are said to have occurred at the macro-level. With special relevance to anthropology, the ethnographic other changed. Beginning among artists and art critics in New York during the 1960s, adopted especially by French but also other European philosophers and theorists the following decade, by the 1980s postmodernism had become a global phenomenon permeating many spheres of life and discourse. Beyond the cultural and academic intelligentsia, postmodernism "has even penetrated mass culture with frequent articles on such disparate topics as the postmodern presidency, postmodern love, postmodern management, postmodern theology, the postmodern mind, and postmodern television shows like MTV or Max Headroom". There is in critical medical anthropology historically contingent truth specific to certain relations" of fieldwork. It is important to stress that critical medical anthropology shares some common ground with postmodernism.