Pausanias' report that at the 50th Olympiad the Eleians began to select two hellanodikai by lot seems to refer to a reform instituted in association with the synoikism of 471 BC. The Eleian War resulted in a comprehensive political restructuring of the entire region of Eleia. Once the Lakedaimonians had detached the allies and the perioikoi, along with certain fortified places, from Eleian control, they formed these communities into several political entities, the most significant of which was the federal state of the Triphylians. In the course of his invasion of Eleia from Arkadia in 401 bc, King Pausanias had won over the four Akroreian poleis, Thraistos, Halion, Eupagion and Opous, and the Eleians were obliged to surrender these in the peace. Political considerations may also explain why the Lakedaimonians were prepared to leave the Eleians in control of the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios.