An inscription on a bronze tablet in the Eleian dialect found at Olympia dated to the last quarter of the sixth century BC twice mentions 'the Eleians and their symmakhia' in relation to wrestling rules. Siewert deduces that the symmakhia of the bronze tablet he discusses consisted of 'states which had concluded a military agreement with Elis and whose citizens stood in a close relationship to Olympia and the hellanodikai incumbent there' and concludes that towards the end of the sixth century, all members of the cult community had become members of the Eleian symmachy. The Eleians appear to have enjoyed close relations with the Korinthians from quite an early period. Korinthian tiles dating from the seventh century have been found at Pheia and from as early as the Late Geometric period in Olympia, where there may have been an Archaic Korinthian treasury.