Linda Fierz-David’s marvelous book, The Villa of Mysteries, describes in detail the frescoes found in an ancient villa, now part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Pompeii. She outlines each fresco, depicting the stages of initiation of women in the ancient rites of Dionysus. As she describes the final one in the series – an older woman sitting on the throne of Mnemosyne, the Goddess of Memory – Fierz-David names her She Who Remembers. “She” is gazing out at the other frescoes of initiation, perhaps recalling her own. In my long, fifty-plus years of Jungian analysis and study, I seem to have arrived at that place myself, within the myth I am currently living. So it seems fitting somehow that this chapter, remembrances of my time at the Jung Institute in Zurich, should bear the name.