This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts discussed in this book. The book emphasizes that CADU was the sole authentic agent of change in agrarian development before the Ethiopian revolution of 1974, especially in the Cilaaloo awraja. The conquest of Menilek in the last quarter of the 19th century was a water-shed in Oromo history. The pre-conquest period was characterized as one when the Oromo social organization was based on kinship structure and their political organization rested on the popular gadaa system. The land grant started before the Italian occupation and intensified after liberation in 1941 and continued right up to the revolution. The book conclude that the rural land proclamation had and still has far more impact than what the literature attribute to it and still resounds. The policies that the Darg adopted in the wake of the land reform proclamation: AMC, APCs and villagization, in particular, reduced its otherwise solid achievement.