Building a global organization can take years. “If you are a CIO with a short tenure, the sand may run out of the hourglass before you are done,” says Goldstein. “This is the time to develop patience as a leader. Especially when you are dealing with resistance that comes out of your regional businesses, you may need to let things work themselves out over time.” When you are moving from a regional organization to a global one, expectations management really comes into play. You may have a global president asking why the IT organization isn’t fully globalized yet; you are the CIO, just go in there and take control! “The global business leaders may be seeing all of the country presidents nodding their heads in agreement about the global strategy, when in reality, there are countervailing forces within the regions that favor the status quo,” says Goldstein. “The trick is to act quickly when the IT and business leaders are truly on board, and in the meantime, help the global leaders to understand the virtue of patience.”