I always love my child, but sometimes I don’t like her. That’s right, I said it. And, if you were alone in a soundproof room, with no one around for miles, and were completely and totally honest with yourself, I think you would say that you sometimes feel this way too. Come on, admit it . . . it’s okay. Around the time that your child begins the second decade of life, things start to change in a fairly dramatic way. He is entering the developmental period that has been dubbed the time of “storm and stress,” and it’s called this for good reason. Adolescence is a time of important transitions for both the child and the parents. One of the telltale signs your child is transitioning from childhood to adulthood is conflict. If you, as a parent, are already in the throes of dealing with adolescent angst, then you know exactly what I mean. If, on the other hand, you are still basking in the euphoric bliss of the childhood years, then I hope this chapter prepares you for the fun yet to come as your child transitions into the teen years.