It is difficult to imagine two more different bands operating within the same musical genre as Sin and Tosca. Sin is dramatic; it forces the listener to confront his or her deepest desires and gravest disappointments. Tosca's music has a tendency to 'drift off rather than going into deep focus'. Tosca's history has its pre-history. It started in the 1980s when Richard Dorfmeister and Rupert Huber were in the same secondary school in Vienna and began experimenting with electronic equipment as a means to create sounds which could not be brought into existence using more traditional instruments. Tosca's tracks also fit the description of ambient music. Ambient music is usually associated with creating a good mood, with healing, but not all representatives of this style are happy with such classification, finding a 'positive ambience' somewhat banal or outmoded, in the same way the concept of 'new age' is seen these days as passe. Dehli9 is proof of Tosca's achieving maturity.