This chapter describes the pervasive 'process orientation' within Siemens AG, the Building Technologies division, and Fire Safety business unit and ask what are the consequences of this pervasive process orientation within Siemens AG, including the strengthened compliance following the historic bribery scandal? It explores the implications for corporate entrepreneuring of 'people independence' arising from 'process maturity', the dominance of an inward orientation, the growth in compliance processes and their implications for organisational trust, and the effect of, at times, overwhelming organisational complexity. There are five key process areas within the Siemens Reference Process House: Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, Product Lifecycle Management, overarching Management Processes, and additional Support Processes. As of 2011, only comprehensive processes for Product Lifecycle Management and Supply Chain Management had been defined and rolled out at the Building Technologies division, with a somewhat weak definition for Customer Relationship Management and no defined activities for Management Process.