This chapter engages with mass forms of walking such as processions and group movement practices informed by parkour, wayfinding, and orienteering to consider participation from a vital and materialist perspective. The mas tradition has its roots in Trinidadian culture, when plantation owners would host masquerade balls in the days leading up to Lent. Slaves, who could not take part in these festivities, created their own counter-colonial events, which became the precursor to the Carnival. Disability studies scholars are similarly critical about inclusionary logics whereby non-normative bodies have to be re-habilitated as part of their participation. The concept for the art project was to have a running race in a suburban area, which took participants through residents' private properties, inside houses, through backyards, and over fences. The work aimed to disrupt the normal flow of human traffic through a typical suburban area, breaking some of the rules of this type of residential space and how we engage with it physically.