I am angry, hurt, and confused. I have given this congregation some of the best years of my life and thought I was doing an excellent job. Having the con gregation’s leadership approach me last month about determining an end date for my tenure here shocked me at first. But then my wife reminded me that in anticipation of my 65th birthday a couple of years ago, they raised the issue of my retirement, although in a much more tentative way. Now they want me out! Without much subtlety (or kindness, I might add), they pointed out the reduction in membership as more seniors are dying or moving to warmer climates and the scarcity of younger new members to take their place. They told me I have lost my spark and that my sermons seem like rehashes of things they have heard from me before. They expressed no gratitude for all I have done in the past nor any concern for what my life will be going forward. Is it any wonder that I feel so hurt?