As a therapist and public safety officer, I have learned that silence, as in not disclosing identifying information, is a sacred trust when a patient comes forward.

Silence is not linear. Silence is not good or bad in and of itself. It is never neutral. Silence is a power or force, depending on who is using “It” and how it is used. The purpose silence as affected surrounds the ambiance of Silence as context. Silence takes on texture as a human endeavor. Tears spilled are unique in

eco-ethological context. Those who are responsible for healing when wallowing in ignorance harm others in need of compassion. Stereotyping the one minority left unheard in all the clamor is also the one who has experienced more repeated and intense trauma than most. Police/public safety and military soldier-officers are heroes whose losses are left unheard. Types of silences:

1. Forceful silence is one dimension when silence is imposed as punishment. 2. Withdrawn Silence removes support when a hero bucks the tide of fads. 3. Powerful Silence is when one chooses to wait in silence as a conscience

choice. (Before taking any action and listening to all the options available and with a full heart and soul in synch with “doing the right thing”)

4. Faithful & Sacred Silence is the power of abiding by one’s principles from within. (Being humane and listening to the words within one’s owned voice of conscience. This voice of conscience is one that transcends the eco-ethological niche and influences but also is nested within “It” as context. It is your voice that is the transcendent unconscious conscience that whispers in your own intuition and wisdom. It is this indefatigable voice of wisdom and conscience that cult leaders cannot persuade, amuse, or seduce away. It is the voice you may look at as the internal voice of God.)

In combating Terrorism, it is no doubt, as illustrated, that anti-Semitic/ anti-Jewish/anti-Israel and anti-Christian fanaticism is rearing its head once again with the fervor of a furor. The Warsaw Resistance Commander Mordechai

Anielewicz died as a heroic officer battling against rabid fascism. The battles that held back the entire German army are critical for modern warfare strategy. In his last street crime battle against rogue murderers, his finely chosen words were his last, and in perpetuity in heroism against tyranny-a modern Leonitis.