This chapter looks at what a number of psalms could contribute to the proclamation of the Church. In terms of preaching from the psalm, the preacher is challenged to consider how the words might be understood and how the preacher might constructively deal with them in preaching. Psalm 139 stands out as an exception, seeming to be the result of the self-reflection of an individual. The Psalm 8 focuses on the heavens, and the dominion of humankind, in spite of their insignificance in the scheme of things, makes it an obvious choice in light of the wonder and celebration of a great achievement in space travel. In Psalm 73 the psalmist struggles with questions to do with faith in the real world. Psalm 89, like other Royal Psalms, celebrates human kingship as a reflection of divine kingship. In Psalm 126 the recollection of past restoration leads straight to remembrance of overwhelming and infectious laughter and joy.