Training design is an acttvtty that requires a number of tasks to be accomplished over a period of time. It can involve more than one person, will consume resources and may require some planning and forethought. It can also be critical in that the consequence of not being able to train on time could have financial or safety implications. In the case of the Boeing 7 4 7 landing with the nose-wheel up given in Chapter I , poor project management was cited as a causal factor at the subsequent Inquiry. We will look more closely at this incident in the next section. It is fair to say, therefore, that some project management skills might be useful in even the simplest of training design projects. This chapter will look at the management activities associated with running training design projects. By the end of the chapter you will have:

• Considered the stages of the project management cycle. • Identified the costs associated with training design activity. • Established the risks associated with training design projects. • Considered some tools to simplify project management. • Examined some issues associated with the management of change.