Training design is, quite simply, the identification of a desired workplace performance which can be met by some fonn of training intervention and, subsequently, the design of a solution which can efficiently and effectively meet that need. Our aim must be to provide some form of guarantee of success but at an affordable cost~ conversely, we cannot afford to waste money or run the risk of producing incompetent workers. Implicit in this goal is the assumption that training is the answer. This may not always be the case. Training is only one of many organisational processes~ as we will discuss later, poor performance could reflect management practices, resource allocation or poor selection of personnel in the first place. Therefore, although our focus is clearly on performance in the workplace, we want to start this examination of training design practices in aviation by looking at the organisational context within which the activity takes place. At the end of this chapter you will:

• Have considered the economic, political, social and psychological factors that can influence training decisions.