John Buridan was a remarkable and courageous man. He almost invariably says the same about the same things, and what he says about one subject is usually consistent with what he says about any other somehow related subject. Buridan proceeds like people who renovate old uninhabitable houses. Buridan the teacher was not afraid of admitting this consequence of his theory. Like the Stoics, Buridan fought to get rid of hypostatized universals. The proofs of God's existence are the subject of the very last paragraph of Buridan's Summulae. Buridan was a devout Christian, no doubt about that. But he was not inclined to sacrifice human knowledge on the altar of faith. When conflicts between knowledge and faith show their head, his normal reaction is to say that our quest for knowledge must go on unimpeded by theological considerations, just as we should not let our knowledge of logic seduce us into doubting Catholic doctrine about the Holy Trinity.