One of the most spectacular episodes in medieval intellectual history was what is now generally known as the quarrel over future contingents at the University of Louvain in the late fifteenth century. Starting with his quodlibetal debates in late 1465, Peter de Rivo, a master of arts who had once lectured on the Sentences, began a systematic and high-profile defense of Peter Auriol’s doctrine of divine foreknowledge and future contingents. The Hussite revolt in Bohemia was the Church’s nightmare for decades until it was apparent that a larger Reformation was underway in the early sixteenth century. Jan Hus had been heavily influenced by John Wyclif, who himself had helped to create a heterodox movement in England, the Lollards. Peter of Candia’s Sentences commentary was one of the most popular of the Late Middle Ages, and over three dozen witnesses of major portions survive.