Traditional Karamojong religion is to a great extent implicit in society. Apart from the townships, where standards meet the temporary presence of civil servants and traders from other parts and prostitution is a paid multiethnic profession, there is the role of the traditional harlot, for which there no appropriate English term, as all are pejorative. Marriage and cohabitation are begun at an earlier age, owing to changing expectations being mediated through the radio and other contacts from Ugandan society. Marriage is only in sight after a series of deputations by the suitor's close agnates to the girl's parents and negotiations about bridewealth. Two days before the wedding, when as much bridewealth as possible has been assembled by the fiance, he and his ere family show it off by wearing celebratory dress, including knee-bells and giraffe- or zebra-tail elbow whisks, and driving the cattle round the fiancee's neighbourhood with the maximum of joyful noise.