This chapter provides a synopsis of the formation of the Sharia Law's genesis during the Prophet Muhammad's tenure. The Qur'an is the primary source of the Sharia Law, a premise that is universally agreed upon by both the Sunni and Shii creeds. This premise, in fact, has attained the status of a dogma in the Islamic jurisprudence. It has been customary in the study of the Qur'an, and in the study of the rise of the Sharia Law, to divide the Prophet Muhammad's tenure into the Maccan (610–622), and the Madinan (622–632) periods. The thrust of this study is that in a systematic study of the Sharia Law's rise and elaboration, besides the text of the Qur'an and primary sources available to us, there are logical reasons to propose that the Sharia Law's genesis developed during the Prophet's tenure.