The Islamic Republic's attempts to stamp out crimes in Iran has led to nowhere other than a high rate of female victimization at the hands of Iran's oppressive criminal justice system. This chapter explores the Islamic criteria in the Constitution by means of which Iranian women have been victimized at the hands of the state and its criminal justice agencies. The new Islamic justice system, have two types of substantive laws: the Islamic Civil Code and the Islamic Criminal Code. It is based on the Twelve Imami Shii version of Sharia Law and legitimated by the Constitution. The new Islamic Civil Code known as the Majmueh-e Qavaanin-e Kanevaadeh, which translates into the Compendium of Laws of Family, was ratified by the Islamic Consultative Assembly in 1980 and reconsidered in 1989. The Criminal Code is located in the drafters' medievalist agricultural valuation system in interpreting Sharia Law.